Insensation was founded 28 years ago in Basel, Switzerland and this month our New York Corporation is celebrating its 10th year in business on January 21, 2025. It has been a very fast and exciting ten years.
In the space of 10 years, Insensation has grown from an office on 5th Avenue in Manhattan to operations in 7 major USA cities and clients in 45 states. We deliver to first class architects and contractors building the most exclusive homes in the USA. Insensation is the largest supplier of frameless doors on the North American market, with superior engineering and the lowest pricing of any frameless door manufacturer with 2″, advanced technology doors.
Thank you America for a fabulous 10 years. We look forward to bring you 10 more years of our innovative, advanced frameless doors, new products and a distinct choice from the vast amounts of inferior products on the market. Remember, get your architect or contractor involved in your frameless door selection, or your investment will be wasted and your home ruined.
Insensation is headquartered in North America in New York and in Europe in Basel, Switzerland. We deliver worldwide using the best Swiss transport company. Our 7 showrooms act as demonstration centers for architects and contractors.